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Mindfulness Heart Walk


discover your essence

Last night, as I was sleeping,

I dreamt-marvelous error! 

that I had a beehive

here inside my heart.

And the golden bees

were making white combs

and sweet honey

from my old failures. 

        -Antonio Machado,

This is a sacred practice that I learned from my teacher, Char Sundust. I experienced my first Heart Walk in 2015 with Char. My heart was being voiced in the clear air. Parts of me that I knew as a child were uncovered. I rediscovered and connected to my dreams, visions, and gifts. 


I recommend this service to anyone who really wants to awaken to their heart dreams and connect with their core essence. This is a powerful experience.


This service lasts about an hour and requires only your presence.


I look forward to being of service to you in this way.

May you walk in Beauty...

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